
Prince's purple rain party.

Last night a few of us ventured to a house party over in Logan Square. Now, I must preface this by saying a good house party in the city is hard to come by and it isn't very often where a rad group of people decide to host one. When we first arrived it seemed mellow and promising,  I mean how can you go wrong with unlimited jungle juice and grape soda? You can't. After weaseling our way up the rickety wooden stairs  to the second story apartment we were greeted by a trendy young girl collecting our single$ for entry and marking our hands with a small X. We finally entered the gathering. Now, I understand that apartments in the city get hot and all that jazz, but this was beyond any sort of describable temperature, not only were the people in attendance dripping sweat and excreting a ripe aromatic smell of alcohol,stale cigarettes and whatever else their pores were allowing to exit, but the walls actually had formed a condensation and began drip. The kitchen was crawling with people trying to make their way to the tub of jungle juice, a calamity of plastic purple cups and hands frenzying toward the bartender for either their first taste or a re-fill. It was a mess. I had to get out of there. So we posted up on the sidewalk and enjoyed the party from outside. For every 20 people that were entering 2 were exiting so I can only imagine how gross it was actually becoming in there. Then, before you know it people are starting to spill out of the party on to the porch, into the back yard & into the alley. People climbing on the parked cars and bouncing on them like they were in a Project Pat music video only meant one thing. COPS. So all the under-agers went scurrying in all directions like mice let out of a dark closet and everyone else was just annoyed. Moral of the story: make RSVP lists for house parties that will be supplying unlimited booze.

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